Azure AppService HTTP Error 500.30 ANCM InProcess Start Failure

While hosting an application within Azure AppService, I was up against the dreaded 500.30 ANCM exception. Following is an approach to help get to resolution.

- September 4, 2020

Rest of the Story:

Again, up against the 500.30 –> really means that something is wrong (usually configuration, appsettings incorrect etc.) which prevents the application from starting up.

Todays', resolution…

- Launch Kudu from the Azure Portal (under Advanced Tools)

- Use Debug console – CMD

- Use command prompt DOS commands to navigate to \site\wwwroot

- Try starting the application via dotnet web.dll (the name of your web application dll)

- With any luck, the output will show log errors and with some thought you can decipher what configuration piece is missing (in this case, my connection string was incorrect and I was missing App_Data directory)


####HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure

Common solutions to this issue:
  • The application failed to start
  • The application started but then stopped
  • The application started but threw an exception during startup

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Check the system event log for error messages
  • Enable logging the application process' stdout messages
  • Attach a debugger to the application process and inspect