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When deploying and managing applications on Azure, two prominent options stand out. Azure App Services and Azure Container Apps. Both cater to different use cases and offer distinct features. Here, we'll dive into their differences, benefits, pros, and cons, and examine their performance features.
Updated: June 12, 2024
Created: June 12, 2024
While connecting to Azure VM via SSH came across a series of stumbling blocks and hence the series of blog posts as documentation of the learning curve. This may help others.
Updated: November 15, 2020
Created: November 15, 2020
While hosting an application within Azure AppService, I was up against the dreaded 500.30 ANCM exception. Following is an approach to help get to resolution.
Updated: September 4, 2020
Created: September 4, 2020
Some days you can be really productive, and others some very simple things just seem to eat up time. Today, I came across the latter and thought I would document for others and also myself. Installing a credprovider in order to push a nuget package to Auzre-DevOps. Read on...
Updated: June 11, 2020
Created: June 11, 2020
Azure DevOps. Build Pipelines and establishing build configurations when deploying to a Windows environment. The following is quick documentation walking through the process to ensure appropriate web.config files and transforms are performing during the publish steps within your pipeline. This is one approach used, while I believe there are still other alternatives available.
Updated: May 28, 2020
Created: May 28, 2020
Azure – while trying to read pfx (certificate) from disk I came across a number of issues, but thought this might help some out.
Updated: May 8, 2020
Created: May 8, 2020
Common issue with .net core solutions when you deploy to a server and get ANCM In-Process failures
Updated: January 30, 2020
Created: January 30, 2020