DevOps–Pushing Nuget package to Azure Artifacts Repository

Some days you can be really productive, and others some very simple things just seem to eat up time. Today, I came across the latter and thought I would document for others and also myself. Installing a credprovider in order to push a nuget package to Auzre-DevOps. Read on...

- June 11, 2020

Rest of the Story:

What a journey

I am going to document this for the sole reason that I am aware that I will once again need this information only just a few days from now. Problem: I have a nuget package that I want to push to an Azure Artifact directory.

I figured easy enough there is some documentation, and I tried with the following:

nuget push -source "MyFeed_feed" -apikey az "C:\tfs\Git\MLayout\MLayout\MLayout\bin\Debug\Layout.1.0.0.nupkg"

I did have to download Nuget and ensure it was found when using the above command via command prompt. Once setup, and re-ran I was prompted for username and password. As many times as I tried it would just continue to fail and eventually would timeout. I am sure this worked just a few weeks ago.

Regardless on to plan B, documentation..

1) I downloaded the latest Nuget.exe

2) Download and install the credential provider (this one was a bit more challenging)

I figured I would use the Automatic approach.

a) I downloaded installcredprovider.ps1 from this github location (more information can be found here)

b) Now that I have a file on disk, I have to run it. I started Powershell then proceeded to run this ps1 by typing .\installcredprovider.ps1 at the PS>

d) Now with this installed I retried to push my nuget package with nuget push -source "MyFeed_feed" -apikey az "C:\tfs\Git\MLayout\MLayout\MLayout\bin\Debug\Layout.1.0.0.nupkg"

No go, so I tried with using the command prompt.

I opened up a command prompt from Windows-Start ensuring to pick the “Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019”

Now, I ensured that nuget.exe was available and it was! So I retried my nuget push. You can see finally, that it used the Credential Provider

The entire process probably 1 hour of effort, but essentially using the VS.NET 2019 command prompt, download the ps1 for the credprovider, execute using powershell then retry.