2023 In Flutter

Current state of Google Flutter mobile application development

- March 20, 2023

Rest of the Story:

Flutter: A Rising Star in Mobile Development

If you are looking for a fast, productive, and flexible way to build beautiful mobile apps for iOS and Android, you might want to consider Flutter. Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit created by Google that enables developers to create native-looking apps from a single codebase. In this post, we will explore some of the benefits and features of Flutter, as well as some of the amazing examples of Flutter apps in the market.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a relatively new framework that was introduced by Google in 2018. It is based on Dart, a language optimized for fast apps on any platform. Flutter uses a declarative approach to build UI components, which are called widgets. Widgets can be composed together to create complex layouts and animations. Widgets are also reactive, meaning they can update their state based on user input or data changes.

Flutter compiles its code to native machine code for iOS and Android, as well as JavaScript for web and desktop applications. This means that Flutter apps can run with high performance and smoothness on any device. Flutter also supports hot reload and hot restart features, which allow developers to see changes almost instantly without losing state or restarting the app.

Why Choose Flutter?

Flutter offers many advantages over other mobile development frameworks, such as:

  • Cross-platform: You can target multiple platforms with one codebase, reducing development time and cost.
  • Native-like: You can create apps that look and feel natural on any device, with full access to native features and services.
  • Customizable: You have full control over every pixel of your app, with the ability to create custom widgets and themes.
  • Productive: You can build and iterate quickly with hot reload and hot restart, as well as use powerful developer tools like Flutter DevTools and DartPad.
  • Ecosystem: You can leverage a rich set of packages and plugins from pub.dev, as well as join a vibrant community of developers and supporters.

Examples of Flutter Apps

Flutter has been used by many well-known brands and startups around the world to create stunning mobile apps. Here are some examples:

  • Google Pay: Google's digital wallet app uses Flutter to provide a seamless payment experience across devices and regions.
  • Reflectly: A personal journaling app that uses AI to help users improve their mental health. Reflectly uses Flutter to design unique digital experiences with animations and transitions.
  • Nubank: A leading fintech company in Latin America that offers digital banking services. Nubank uses Flutter to scale its app with integrity and maintainability.
  • Hamilton: The official app of the hit Broadway musical that allows fans to access exclusive content, trivia games, merchandise, and more. Hamilton uses Flutter to take the theater experience beyond the stage.
  • Dream11: India's largest fantasy sports platform that supports over 50 million users. Dream11 uses Flutter to deliver high-performance gaming experiences with rich graphics.

These are just some of the many examples of how Flutter can help you create amazing mobile apps for any screen.


Flutter is a rising star in mobile development that offers many benefits for developers and users alike. It is fast, productive, flexible, cross-platform, native-like, and customizable. It also has a growing ecosystem of packages, plugins, and community support.

If you want to learn more about Flutter, you can visit flutter.dev to get started or check out some of the resources below:

We hope this post has given you some insights into why Flutter is popular in mobile development and how it can help you bring your app idea to life.